Monday, June 22, 2009

Mussolini's Fascist Agenda

Hello all. As you can probably tell from my ideological portrait, our current government is not my ideal government. In fact, it is not remotely close to what I believe a government should be under the United States Constitution. The B. Hussein Obama administration and the democratic senate and house majority are drastically and rapidly moving our nation away from the principles our Founding Fathers laid down when the wrote our Constitution. Our government is expanding far beyond its constitutional boundaries and, I believe, developing the progressive tendencies of fascist totalitarian government.

Excuse my rabbit trail rant. I will move on towards my point now.

I am currently reading an extremely enlightening book called Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. It is a great book that addresses the left-wing origins of fascism and progressivism beginning with Benito Mussolini all they way through to many of the left-wing liberal progressivists currently destroying our Constitution and our economy. In the first chapter, Goldberg writes about the beginnings of fascism and it's creator of sorts, Mussolini. The most frightening part of the chapter, I think, is where Goldberg tells us the official agenda of Mussolini's fascist organization, the Fasci di Combattimento. The organization was founded by Mussolini and others on March 23, 1919 just three years before Mussolini became prime minister of Italy. Here is that agenda:

  • Lowering the minimum voting age to 18, the minimum age for representatives to 25, and universal suffrage, including women.
  • "The abolition of the Senate and the creation of a national technical council on intelectual and manual labor, industry, commerce and culture.
  • End of the draft.
  • The prompt enactment of a state law sanctioning a legal work day of eight actual hours of work for all workers.
  • A minimum wage.
  • The creation of various government bodies run by workers' representatives.
  • Reform of the old-age and pension system and the establishment of age limits for hazardous work.
  • Forcing landowners to cultivate their lands or have them expropriated and given to veterans and farmers' cooperatives.
  • The obligation of the state to build "rigidly secular" schools for the raising of the "the proletariat's moral and cultural condition."
  • "A large progressive tax on capital that would amount to a one-time partial expropriation of all riches."
  • "The seizure of all goods belonging to religious congregations and the abolition of episcopal revenues."
  • The "review" of all military contracts ad the "sequestration of 85% of all war profits."
  • The nationalization of all arms and explosives industries.
It's  long list to be sure, but under examination it is plain to see that our government has accomplished at least six of these (to my knowledge). I will lay them out.

  1. "The abolition of the Senate and the creation of a national technical council on intellectual and manual labor, industry, commerce and culture." -- Obama has successfully bypassed the Senate with the appointment of his 21 czars. All of which, in one way or another address "intellectual and manual labor, industry, commerce and culture."
  2. End of the draft. -- That's just already done. I don't know the reasons behind it, and i'm not blaming that on the current administration. I just know that it ended at the hands of Nixon after Vietnam.
  3. A minimum wage -- We have a minimum wage and I am not personally against having one, but it's manipulation and increases by congress has in no way been helpful to our economy. I don't understand why they don't see that increasing minimum wage only increases the price of living and everything else. I have personally seen this at the movie theater I worked at for two years. Twice the minimum wage rose, and each time the prices of everything from movie tickets to popcorn to candy rose along with them.
  4. The creation of various government bodies run by workers' representatives -- hmmm labor unions? lobbyists?
  5. The obligation of the state to build "rigidly secular" schools for the raising of "the proletariat's moral and cultural condition." -- Need I describe our terrible educational system? Its liberal bias? Its refusal to acknowledge the multiple views of the origins of creation and allow students to decide FOR THEMSELVES what they believe to be true instead of claiming the THEORY of evolution and the big bang theory as the only possible explanation of how everything got here. Intelligent design is never addressed and if it is it is immediately dismissed. Accurate political and social history is ignored, facts are twisted and spun. It's disgusting.
  6. "A large progressive tax on capital that would amount to a one-time partial expropriation of all riches." -- For those of you who don't know, expropriation is when something is taken away, usually by the state. Currently congress is pushing through the Value Added Tax (VAT).  This VAT is a tax that is essentially a national sales tax, except instead of having the tax added on when something is bought, the tax is added into the price of the item at each stage of the production process. The VAT, according to, will expand the cost of government (last thing we need!! the national debt is like 11 trillion dollars already according to the national debt application on my iPod!), increase income tax rates, and it will slow down our economy even more as well as destroy jobs.
America is NOT headed in a good direction at the present and the forecast does not look good at all with the current progressive (I would argue fascist) B. Hussein Obama Administration. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to read Liberal Fascism and educate themselves on the true left-wing origins of fascism. 

Thanks for reading.

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